Friday, December 26, 2014

Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest

Hello world!

At the beginning of this month I went to Phoenix Comicon's Fan Fest! Yay!  It was super fun!  I was only able to go on Friday and Saturday, but I think that was more than enough con this weekend for me since Comic & Media Expo was just this past October.  I cosplayed as Storm on Friday.  On Saturday I wore my new Wonder Woman costume to go with my sister's new Miss Martian costume, yay DC Comics!

One thing loved about this con was how it wasn't super crowded.  I expected it to be as bad as Phoenix Comicon was on Saturday last year(waiting like fifteen minutes to get in some doors in the morning and not being able to move in some areas of the con without bumping into people), but nope!  The vendor hall was so big that there was plenty of space to walk around leisurely and even take pictures without getting in the way of traffic.

The exhibitors and artists that showed up also brought a lot of cool stuff!  I managed to snag some StarFire and Raven earrings from one booth.  They're not super my style and I don't usually wear much jewelry, but since I doubt I will ever see Raven and StarFire earrings again I have no regrets!  I also got a pair of Kitty Pryde one's since the guy gave me a good deal!

My favorite thing about this con was how many awesome cosplayers I saw!  So many awesome costumes!!!  I found a Robin from Witch Hunter Robin, one of my favorite anime series.  I haven't seen anyone cosplay as her in forever so I was very excited to see her!  On Friday when I wore my Storm costume I also saw an group of girls dressed as other X-Men characters and literally jumped up and down when I saw them and ran over to take a photo with them.  Unfortunately my phone was stuffed in my bag so unless I find the photo online I don't have a copy.  That was my absolute favorite moment of the con.  They were so nice and their costumes were so cute!  I hope I can find that photo later!

Panelwise I went to Four and a half panels. I should have went to more, but shopping was calling to me... On Friday my friend and I went to "It Will Be the End of Us All" which was pretty fun.  Basically four panelist debated whether Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves or Aliens would be the end of humanity as we know it with audience help.  That was fairly entertaining and the panelist did a good job keeping the audience engaged.  After that I went to "Geeky Pictionary" which was awesome!  MS Paint meets finger painting and nerdy topics...yeah.  Our team didn't win, but it was still fun trying to decipher odd stick figures with a group of strangers.  If they have this panel at Phoenix Comicon this year I will definitely go again. 

On Saturday One of the first panels I went to was "Are you smarter than a Stormtrooper".  It was a pretty funny panel and I thought it was very well organized.  I forget the moderators name, but I think she did a fabulous job keeping things in order.  It's easy for interactive panels, especially games to get out of hand, but she kept everything together.  She really did a good job engaging the audience and the contestants.  The Stormtroopers were also very humorous in their feigned lack of Star Wars knowledge, making the panel enjoyable even for someone like me who's knowledge of StarWars is fairly limited(I have yet to watch all the movies all the way through...I only went because Breasa wanted to).

The next panel we went to was "Choose your own Zombie Survival" which was okay.  I think the panelist did a good job, they were definitely very prepared and I love interactive panels.  The only thing I didn't like was that it was too easy to disagree with the point value system as to whether or not you'd survive.  I think a zombie apocalypse is too situational for this kind of game, but if you can ignore that it was a fun panel and I think they did an excellent job.

The last panel/half a panel I was able to see was "PUGS Multiplayer" and oh my gosh!  I never went to it at Comicon, because I just thought it would be nerdy trivia, but NO!  It was AMAZING.  Basically this panel is just people debating very silly topics like "Who's better with a whip? Catwoman or Indiana Jones?".  I'm sure you can imagine how funny this was.  I had to leave before it was over, but I will definitely be going to this panel at Phoenix Comicon this year!

Alright!  Well that's it for now.  I have some exciting news(well it's exciting for me anyway) later this month and I'll do one more post to recap the year/possibly post some WIP stuff from Wonder Woman that I'm too lazy/doubt anyone is interested in right now. 

See-you later!

P.S. If anyone knows the cosplayers posted here let me know so I can tag them!