Sunday, November 9, 2014

Comic & Media Expo 2014 & Halloween

This is a bit late. but I thought I'd write about Comic & Media Expo 2014(October 17th - 19th) & Halloween.  There are also now some photos of Raven in my gallery.  We'll be taking more soon, but for now I have two nice ones.

Let's start with Comic & Media Expo. This was their first year and I think it went pretty well!  I had a lot of fun and I am really excited about next year!

One of the things I really enjoyed about this con was how small it was.  Most of the smaller cons I've been to in the past weren't that exciting, but this con was different. I don't know why, but I just really enjoyed the small con feel. It was great not having to run to every panel worrying about getting a good seat because none of the panels I went to were crowded.  I was really impressed with how hard they tried to provide good programming for such a small con.  I also liked their celebrity guest choices.  Riddle's Messy Wardrobe was there, as was Dante Basco!  Can you say fan girl mode???

It was also a treat to cosplay with my friends.  As mentioned in a previous post, one of my friends dressed up as Bumblebee from Teen Titans and Breasa(my sister) dressed up as BalckFire. Getting to be StarFire with a BlackFire(Friday) and Raven with a Bumblebee(Saturday) was awesome! It made me really happy that they love me enough to cosplay from one of my favorite fandoms. Costumes take a lot of time and money so I really appreciate them doing that with my Titan obsession in mind;  it was really sweet of them.  Breasa also just thought BlackFire and StarFire together would be an awesome sister's cosplay and I agree.  It was ^_^.  We're planning another shoot before the end of this month to get pictures of them since I got 2 pictures of StarFire and neither are post worthy.

Monica our Cowgirl photographer arresting BlackFirSpeaking of cosplaying with friends, on Halloween I was lucky enough to convince my friends to hangout as Teen Titans.  My neice dressed up as Terra, R. went as Bumblebee, Breasa(my sister) went as BlackFire and I wore my Raven costume.  It was probably the best Halloween I've had since trick or treating when I was a kid. 

We made a really funny Teen Titans CMV(Well, we think it's funny), took some great pictures of our costumes and went to Chipotle for dinner.  It really reminded me why I cosplay: to have fun!  I was starting to think about why I spend so much money on costumes vs. any other hobby and I realized on Halloween that it was nigts like that, that make the whole thing worth it.  We had so much fun running around in the dark dressed as superheroes and goofing off.  I don't think words can describe it adequatly so just look forward to the video.  I'll be posting it on youtube by the end of this month.

Halloween also ended with the promise of a possible X-Men cosplay group with the same ladies.  I'm really excited about that.  I just can't decide if I should try to remake Pixie with moving wings or do the Storm original design 2.0 that I was planning.  Tough choices.

Most of the photos posted here were taken by our cowgirl Monica who you can see above arresting BlackFire.  We couldn't get her a Teen Titans costume in time, so she did us a huge favor by filming the video we'll be posting and taking photos with her phone.  She has agreed to join the insanity and probably cosplay with us for our next group project.